Letter To My Future Self

Dear Kyle Burks,

Remember me?

Now that you’re finally a successful leader with an A type personality, an accomplished CRNA, and a proud father of a daughter who is in a good school with a good education, its good to see you working as a CRNA, having financial freedom, vacationing in tropical islands, being able to skydive regularly and having the extra time to run a pit bull rescue.

You finally have your five bedroom house with an in ground pool, multiple cars, married to the woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with and your child is getting the education she deserves.

You’ve come a long way, considering that all you wanted was a two week vacation in Florida laying on the beach soaking in the sun and enjoying some cold beers.

While we’re on the subject, do you remember your younger self when you were underachieving, stressed exhausted, had a short temperament and lack of time to spend with your family? When you questioned yourself and felt weak mentally and physically?

Ten years ago, you struggled with time to study, juggling a job and school, having a social life and having to limit the amount of courses you could take due to a strapped schedule.

Despite everything, I knew you were going to make it when you started to grow as a student by becoming a better writer with essays and papers. When you had a purpose for being better every time you looked at your little girl and stopped being selfish and wanted to have a better life for yourself so that your daughter could too.

Remember the time you got back into school? You actually thought you wouldn’t be able to focus or have the support you needed to succeed. You thought that you wouldn’t have the continuous drive to want to keep going but you did.

Today I want to thank you for being a leader and for never giving up. For fighting all the way and having the never quit attitude.

Kyle Burks


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